All the best to you for Thanksgiving! I heard you got a score of 3,557? Rintoo promised that he would do anything you asked of him for one day if you got anything higher than a 2,500. However, out of all things to choose from, I still don’t understand why you asked me to write about people I don’t even know well. But, I did say I would do whatever you asked me for so here it is.
Lawrmilly. Did you hear about how Lawr left Milly so he could finish his college applications? It was a bit of a shock to say the least. He didn’t even end up doing college apps. Nobody knows for sure what's up with him but rumors have been flying fast and furious that he didn’t even do his college apps and ended up going to his friend’s house to play Halo. I hope Lawr will make it up to Milly on Friday when we all go on our adventure to the city. He really is a nice fun guy who enjoys scary movies. I’m sure you don’t want me to go into further details about that :P If he ever tries to scare you I will have ninjas rise up from his floorboards...

Milly on the other hand seems like a very nice girl. Remember that one time when we were making headbands for Halloween? And the other time when we had our adventures at Target when you were chasing her all over the store? Emily is a very fun and interesting girl who deserves a guy like Lawrence. I think she is a great match for him.
I am quite busy these days working on my college applications. Every day, I am deeply engaged in this vigorous task and you ask me to write about Cork. Really? Out of everything you could have asked from me, you asked me to write about two people I have never even talked to. I really have nothing much to say about Coco or Mark but, if they are going to San Francisco with us, I would love to take that opportunity to meet them. They do seem like such nice people.
As for Pram, they are two very cool and interesting people. Aside from you, Sam is my other best friend. He is my young padawan. I am going to train him so he will grow up to become a non retarded Jedi. But from the looks of it right now, it’s not going so great. He needs to step up his game and use the force at school and get good grades. On the other hand, he is a very nice guy who always provides for his friends. Every time we go out to eat, he usually pays for me. Whenever I go to his house, I always end up eating half of his food supply. We have many inside jokes such as “We no speak Americano” and “getting cyphered”. Sometimes I feel bad cyphering him, something that happened on a daily basis. Therefore, I decided to stop under one condition: every time he made fun or talked smack about you, he would get cyphered. So if anything ever happens, just call securrrrrity, I got your back. I know how ruuuuude he can get sometimes.
I have to go now and attend to family duties. My college applications need to be completed and my mother wants me to help her clean the house. You are so lucky you don’t have to do college apps or clean the house.
As for the pageant, you will win! Have faith in yourself. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. And if you ever feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.Keep me posted whenever you can. I would really enjoy receiving letters/blog posts from you which reminds me that you still owe me one. ;)
Your buddy,
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