My Beloved,
I love you! Just writing that puts a smile on my face. It's like when I see you, you don't even have to speak. All you have to do is smile, and it can make my day.
I love you because of your sweetness, your kindness, your tenderness, and your thoughtfulness.
I love you because you are my dear friend and loving companion.
You smile at my silly jokes and enjoy my youthful spirit. I love how we have so many inside jokes such as "Ima cut you", the adventures of Kailan, and socks.

I love you because I have a longing to be close to you and you long to be close to me. I love snuggling with you in front of a TV as we watch scary movies. I love when you hide under your blanket and bury your head in my arms during the scary scenes. I love to be near you. I love holding your hand on a walk during the day, holding your hands while I drive, and holding your hands across the table at a restaurant at night.
I love you because you listen to me as I share the small triumphs or struggles of the day. I love how both our bodies have so many problems due to the sports we do. I will talk about how hard football practice was and you will tell me how hard your dance teacher pushed you today.

I love you because in moments of friction between us, you hear me out. Even when you don't agree with me, you listen with a longing to understand me. I love how you always get really angry at me when I tease you or make fun of you.
I love you because you respect me. You honor the person that I am, rather than try to make me into someone I am not. You suffer my imperfections and my shortcomings largely without complaint.
I love you because you appreciate me. You enjoy my attentiveness and appreciate my efforts to please you. You appreciate my generosity to yourself and my generosity toward others.
I love you,

We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
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