I miss you, but I’m trying not to care anymore.

This is the story of what happened between me and girls this past school year.
So, in the beginning of the school year I had a thing with a sophomore. I went to aloha dance and homecoming with her and I sorta liked her. But she didn't really like me and was sorta leading me on I guess so after Halloween she just started ignoring me and shortly after, she got back together with her ex.
A few weeks passed and I met another girl in my science class (I'm going to call her girl 1) and I started talking with her. So I started walking her to class, buying her lunch, and I went to winterball with her. And I made her a sick ass Christmas gift :D But after winter break, she started ignoring me and started walking to class with a different guy so I was like wtf? And I never had the chance to hang out with her because she was either busy or her parents would not let her so I was like whatever so I started chatting with one of her friends (girl 2) and we decided to go watch Avatar together. (Which I mean is sort of messed up because they are like close friends)
So Girl 2 and I went to the movies and I did somethings I shouldn't have done. That was really my bad. And then I heard that girl 1 was mad at me so I assumed it was because I hung out with her friend. So I wrote them letters... Girl 1's letter was basically an apology for anything I've ever done to hurt her and Girl 2's letter was an apology for what I did to her which I shouldn't have done. To make it even more complicated, girl 1 was not mad at me for going to the movies with her friend. She was mad because there was a rumor going around that I had sex with her. So I was like WTF!?! However, I found out what happened (Apparently one day before wrestling practice someone asked me how me and Girl 1 was and I was like "we had sex" "JK JK JK" But this other guy overheard and didn't know about the JK JK JK so he told her) The good thing though is that I cleared it up with girl 1 and the reason why we stopped talking is because during winter break, she went to a church retreat and met another guy. Girl 2 also accepted my apology and we decided to "start over" and everything ended real well.

I started talking to girl 2 more and more and we started hanging out a lot. She came over for the superbowl, and she would come over to my house and we would watch movies and stuff. So I decided to ask her to Jr. Prom. She really likes goldfish so I found out what her favorite flavors were and I went early in the morning, shimmed her locker, moved all her stuff to an empty locker next to hers and filled it up with goldfish. I was planning to put so much goldfish would spill out, but I ran out :( Anyways, I filled her locker with goldfish and left a note that read "If fishes were wishes and you had 3, would 1 of them be to go to jr. prom with me?" And then I gave her flowers.

But then the happiness was short lived because, about one week before prom she started ignoring me. I sort of got the feeling that she didn't like me anymore so I IM'ed her saying "You probably don't like me anymore so I just wanna clear things up. Whats going on?" She didn't want to talk about it over AIM so the next day (day before prom) she told me that she doesn't feel the same toward me anymore and that things have changed. She told me that we should just stay friends and go to prom as friends. So at prom, it was extremely awkward, but I guess we still had a pretty good time. After prom night, we stopped talking and that lasted for about two weeks when she IM'ed me and we started talking again. (This was about 2 weeks ago) She told me about how her I-Pod had old music and she needs new music so we made plans. She was supposed to come over to my house and I would help her with her I-Pod. So I got mixed feelings and I did not know whether or not she still liked me. But then she flaked so this never happened anyways. Then around this time, I learn that she got asked about by another guy so I was like omg, but them breaking up made me feel a little better which is kinda messed up but...... :\

Then, this past week, I'm not really sure what happened, but I think somebody texted Sam and told him that Crystal was breaking up with him and that he should get back with Girl 2 (they had a thing before me) so according to what I know, Sam started yelling at girl 2 and she started to cry. But, I think I'm just really jealous and being overly protective of her though.
It's sad how I still like her, but she doesn't like me anymore. All my friends tell me shes not worth it and I should move on and that there are "plenty of fishes in the sea". I try to get over her, but whenever I'm alone, I just think of her. It's never taken me this long to get over somebody. One of the hardest things in life is watching the person you love, love someone else :(
Thats all. This is the story of my life.