It's basically just a clothing line based on LA/California skateboard, hip-hop culture.
You might have seen people wearing The Hundreds before. Their main logo is a bomb guy (called the Adam Bomb) going like :o
lol... as pictured below:
So why do I wear, "The Hundreds"?
One of the reasons why I wear this brand is that everywhere you look, people are wearing clothing brands such as Nike, or Abercrombie, or American Eagle. Not saying that I don't own any clothing from these brands or that these brands are bad but
I like to do things other people don't do.
For example, I play football.
If you ever look at NFL/College football teams... or even high school football teams, you will not see many, if not any, asians.
If you tell a CAM (Crazy Asian Mother) that you wrestle, they will go (In an Chinese accent):
"You go to do the study RIGHT NOW! You no do the wrestle, you must do the study right now! You need to get the 4.0. Go to the Harvard. Blah Blah Blah!!"
And the same with music. There are hundreds of millions and billions of chinese piano/violin players. But, how many asian drummers and guitarists are there? (well... I don't play drums but, I want to... just way too lazy)
So anyways, one of the reasons why I wear "The Hundreds" is because only a few people in my area wear it. The fact that I'm the only person at my school with this shirt is awesome. (Seriously... don't you hate it when you see someone wearing the same shirt as you?)
Another reason why I wear The Hundreds is because, I LOVE their designs. I mean.. who doesn't like a bomb going like :o
You must admit... their design's are ownage. (Some of their designs are pretty weird though)
Anyways, I think they are very unique and it makes you stand out.
Yeaahhh.... :)
wow $30 shirt
http://shirt.woot.com/ = original shirts for $10
actually, alot of people wear the Hundreds. just not in your area and not necessarily in your age group. The fact that you claim originality for wearing it kinda ticks off people who actually know originality. You're simply hopping on a fadwagon (fad + bandwagon) that is not as apparent in your immediate environment. i.e. i wear crooks and castles/artist proof/artful dodger which are all rather rare-to-see brands around where i live but im not gonna say im hella original cus the fact of the matter is, i see hella niggas wearin it in downtown LA so i decided to bring the style back home wit me... does that make sense, u see why im annoyed right
and yes i am in a considerably annoyable mood right now cus i been up all night writing a paper and am currently on 2 adderal pills which means my brain is overprocessing everything i see which means if i dont remember writing something hella dick thats why LOLOLLOLOLL
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