Going through the Motions
When my teacher assigns 2 pages of homework, I just do those 2 pages and no more. When my coach makes me run 10 laps, I just run the 10.
Last night, I was thinking about how I just do the bare minimum and how I just
"go through the motions"So I was thinking, why not do the 2 pages of homework and then study some more? Why not run 12 laps when my coach only makes me run 10?

Mission San Jose is considered one of the "better" teams in the league when it comes to wrestling. We have always been placing 2nd or 3rd for the past few years (Logan would usually take 1st, Newark and us would take turns killing each other, fighting for the 2nd place title)
However, this season, our coach challenged us to take the league title.
So, everyday after school, we had extremely intense wrestling practice until 7:00 P.M. (Trust me, no sport practices as hard as wrestling. I would literally lose 2 pounds a practice just from sweat).... yeah I know.. it's gross
Anyways, I had to drop 8 pounds from 143 to 135 in 1 week to fill up the gap in the 135 lb weight class. (by eating really light and working out at the same time... yes it's bad for your body but whatever)
Everyday at lunch, I would see people enjoying their food while I was starving my butt off. Needless to say, it required a lot of discipline.
Everyday, at practice, when coach made us do 75 push-ups, we would all do 85.
Instead of just going the motions, we would take it to the next level. We would keep encouraging each other; telling each other never to give up.

At the MVAL finals, as a sophomore wrestling in varsity, I knew it was going to be tough.
I was in the 3rd quarter of my match, down 9-3 and I was really really tired. I started to give up but, my teammates would shout at me telling me that victory was within my grasp.
So I decided to give my opponent all I got. I went for a double leg take down, which got blocked. I went for it again and again. Shot after shot, I kept getting blocked by my opponent. At that point, I realized that the match was pretty much over. I was so tired I could not even stand up. I just wished my opponent would pin me and get this match over with.
It was not until there was 10 seconds left in the match that I thought,
"I did not work that hard in practice just to deserve this."
I remembered what my coach said. That if I give up, I am not hurting anyone, but myself.
I blocked out all other thoughts in my head. All I was thinking about was the win I was about to achieve. With 2 seconds left, I pinned my opponent.
So basically, my whole post can be summarized into 2 points:1)Don't just go through the motions. Give life all you got!2)Never ever give up. As long as you try, you can do it. :)Now.. onto more happy things! :)
So.. life has been alright lately. School has always been tough but, I am surviving.
Some friends and I play football every Fri. now. if you want to come, lmk.
Oh.. and 30 hr famine for church is coming up! (supposed to show us what starving feels like... I guess I already went through this during wrestling though)
Do you like my new blog song btw? Heard it @ church and inspired me to write this.
Oh yeah... and theres this cute girl I met recently :)
(and no.. I am not going to tell you her name) So Leon & JoJo.. don't even bother >:)
And Albert (if you are reading this), don't worry.. be happy! :)