What would it feel like to have a job?
I've always thought jobs were awesome.
Finally having the chance to earn your own money.
Freedom.Never having to beg your parents again if you really want a pair of shoes, a warm comfy jacket, or even a new video game.
This summer, my dream finally came true; I got a job at Baskin 31 Robbins (it's an ice cream snack bar for those who don't know what it is).
Despite the fact that I finally had a chance to earn my own money, 6 hours a day was pretty painful; especially when you only get paid $8 per hour.
Not only was it boring but, scooping ice-cream can be a real workout.
However, it was a great experience as well.
The people I work with are amazing and are among the coolest people I have ever met.
When I just started working there, they would always help me out and correct me when I did something wrong.
It felt as if I belonged there.
In addition to this experience, I started to realize why my parents refuse to buy me everything I want. It's not because they didn't love me but, rather because they wanted to train me so when I grew up, I would know how to manage money.
When I spend money provided by my parents I didn't feel any regret.
However, now when I spend my own money, I realize:
"Wow, I had to work hard to earn this money. Should I really just... spend it?"
That made me realize money does not grow on trees.
Before, I would hate my parents for not buying me this and that.
Now, I thank them for teaching me that money is not an easy thing to earn.
To conclude, I had a great time working this summer. It not only provided me an insight on money management but, it put an extra $600 in my pocket. :)